Collective Investment Scheme Register Data


Authorised AIF ICAV

Authorised AIF ICAV
Name: Laurion I ICAV Reference No: C178892   Date of Authorisation 19 Oct 2018 Status: ICAV   Notes:  - This fund may be marketed to Qualifying Investors only in accordance with the Central Bank of Ireland’s AIF Rulebook/NU Notices and therefore a minimum subscription of Euro 100,000 is required.  - This fund was authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an umbrella investment fund which may comprise open-ended and/or closed-ended and/or open-ended with limited liability sub-funds.   AIFM: Reference Number Name C72256 Maples Fund Management Ireland Limited   Management Company: Reference Number Name     Depositary: Reference Number Name C24901 SEI Investments - Depositary and Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited   Sub-Funds: Reference No: Name Date of Approval C185752 Hierro Fund I 19 Oct 2018 C188021 Bronce Fund I 28 Dec 2018 C190303 Berilo Fund I 16 May 2019 C425243 Halita Fund I 16 Mar 2020 C430458 Laurion Diversified Absolute Return Fund I 20 May 2020 C443148 Oro Fund I 18 Jan 2021 C445494 Laurion Real Assets Fund I 19 Mar 2021 C453752 Platino Fund I 25 May 2021 C459955 Laurion Alpha Strategies Fund I 16 Aug 2021 C466903 Laurion Venture Capital Fund I 12 Nov 2021 C475055 Oro Fund II 08 Mar 2022 C496212 Hierro Fund II 28 Jul 2022 C496739 Laurion Private Credit Fund I 10 Aug 2022 C508095 Berilo Fund II 02 Feb 2023 C513387 Laurion Secondaries Fund I 15 May 2023 C513390 Innoenergy Fund I 15 May 2023 C530533 Laurion Real Estate Co-Investment Fund I 27 Mar 2024 C540993 Laurion Private Markets Fund I 05 Sep 2024
Page last updated on: 11 Sep 2024