Collective Investment Scheme Register Data


Authorised AIF ICAV

Authorised AIF ICAV
Name: Amissima Diversified Income ICAV Reference No: C158464   Date of Authorisation 09 Dec 2016 Status: ICAV   Notes:  - This fund may be marketed to Qualifying Investors only in accordance with the Central Bank of Ireland’s AIF Rulebook/NU Notices and therefore a minimum subscription of Euro 100,000 is required.  - This fund was authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an umbrella investment fund which may comprise open-ended and/or closed-ended and/or open-ended with limited liability sub-funds.   AIFM: Reference Number Name C46640 Carne Global Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited   Management Company: Reference Number Name     Depositary: Reference Number Name C26888 BNP Paribas SA   Sub-Funds: Reference No: Name Date of Approval C164579 Amissima Vita Corporate Loans/High Yield Bonds Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164580 Amissima Assicurazioni Corporate Loans/High Yield Bonds Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164581 Amissima Vita Multi-Credit Strategy Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164582 Amissima Assicurazioni Multi-Credit Strategy Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164583 Amissima Vita Emerging Market Debt Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164584 Amissima Assicurazioni Emerging Market Debt Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164586 Amissima Vita (Norvita) Sovereign Debt Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164587 Amissima Sovereign Debt Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164588 Amissima Assicurazioni Sovereign Debt Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164589 Amissima Vita (Norvita) Global Investment Grade Corporate Credit Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164590 Amissima Vita (CVN) Global Investment Grade Corporate Credit Fund 09 Dec 2016 C164591 Amissima Assicurazioni Global Investment Grade Corporate Credit Fund 09 Dec 2016 C169240 Amissima Vita Financial Bonds Fund 08 Jun 2017 C169241 Amissima Assicurazioni Financial Bonds Fund 08 Jun 2017 C171409 Amissima Loan Origination Fund 13 Jul 2017
Page last updated on: 11 Sep 2024