Financial Service Provider Profile

This page lists what status a financial service provider has with the Central Bank of Ireland. For further information, click on the relevant link.

Name: J&E Davy Unlimited Company Reference No: C775 Trading Name: t/a Davy
  Entity Type Description
Insurance, Reinsurance or Ancillary Insurance Intermediary Registered as an insurance, reinsurance or ancillary insurance intermediary under the European Union (Insurance Distribution) Regulations, 2018.
Investment Firm - MiFID Authorised as an Investment Firm under Regulation 8 (3) and deemed authorised under Regulation 5 (2) of the Statutory Instrument No. 375/2017 European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017
Moneybroker Authorised as a moneybroker under Section 110 of the Central Bank Act, 1989 (as amended).
Product Producer A financial service provider which produces financial products and issues appointments to intermediaries or an intermediary which may issue appointments to other intermediaries.